Wednesday 17 July 2013

Banff Part Two

Hi all,

The day after Canada Day, took it pretty easy after having two nights of partying. Had a nice stroll along the Bow River and just relaxed. The following day was up early and heading down to the Banff Springs hotel where we were setting off for our horseback riding trail along the Spray River. Karl had never been on a horse before so a first for him and was so nice to be on a horse again. There were probably close to ten of us going out and it was such a beautiful day and a really good trail. The highlight was definitely crossing the Spray River on much fun!
Waiting patiently for us

 Going across the Spray River

After the ride I met up with Sheila as she was in Calgary so popped over to see me for a night. She decided to take me up Sulphur Mountain as it was such a gorgeous day. We cheated and went up the gondola, I wasn't complaining especially as we got it for free. Its all about who you know! We spent a lovely afternoon chatting and catching up in the most beautiful scenery. To top it all off we saw some big horned sheep with their little babies, perfect!
At the top of Sulphur Mountain
View of Lake Minnewanka from the Gondola up Sulphur Mountain

Big horned sheep at Sulphur Mountain


A quick shower and change at the hotel (which she so kindly let me stay in as to have a bit of luxury) we met up with Fred at a restaurant, just in time for happy hour. Great food, great drinks and fantastic company, perfect evening! The next day (after a gorgeous sleep in a lovely big bed!) we decided to head to the hot springs as it was a little chilly. The pool is heated to a rather hot 39 degrees! Would be amazing to experience it in the winter when its snowing. We then wandered over to the Banff Springs Hotel, the most luxurious hotel in Banff and the first hotel built there. It is reminiscent of a Scottish castle as Banff takes it's name from Banffshire in Scotland. Incredible views at the rear of the property looking into the Bow Valley.

 Back of the Banff Springs Hotel with Tunnel Mountain behind me

Bar at the Banff Springs Hotel

 After a lovely two days it was time to say goodbye to Sheila, not forgetting to use her contacts again to get me a free tour and a free airport transfer...bargain!

Had a leisurely lie in and then went to find a pub that was showing the last of the tennis, was Murray's semi final match. I met up with Karl after he had finished work and we headed up to the HI hostel to book a room as I was moving out that day. We had a lovely dinner at a Thai restaurant, Bamboo Garden. A little bit out of the way and obviously not as popular as restaurants on the main street, but the food was gorgeous! We went to the hostel to drop my stuff off with the intention of going straight out into town, but instead we went to the hostel bar. Met some really cool people and played some pool and then we discovered it was karoake night! So much fun, listening to old classics like the Vegaboys and Aqua! A great night all round!

 Banff Avenue

The following day I was nursing a hangover so took it easy and just popped into town to do some shopping and have a walk round Cascade Gardens. In the evening me and Karl met up for dinner again, this time opting for Nourish, a vegetarian restaurant! The food was incredible (even Karl the meat eater admitted it!) and the staff were fantastic!

 Cascade Gardens

Veggie Poutine and Wild Mushroom Ravioli!

Sunday 7th July, I'm sure you'll all know this date...the Wimbledon final! Over here it started at 7am so I got up early to watch the commentary before and grab some breakfast. I watched it in the hostel kitchen and I'm sure it became pretty clear that nobody was to touch the remote! Was an incredible match and I was sat on the edge of my seat throughout it. Was definitely worth getting up for! Was pretty knackered after that so I went to sleep for a while then went out and did some food shopping, pretty relaxed day.

The next day was pretty grey, rainy and chilly...reminded me of somewhere...I can't think?!!? Despite the weather I decided to go on a hike around to Hoodoos/Bow Valley. Even though the weather wasn't great, it was still a fantastic atmosphere as the mountains start to mist over and gives it quite a spooky feel. Pretty cool. Decided to have an early night as the following day I was going on the Mountains, Lakes and Waterfalls tour.

Until next time...

Saturday 6 July 2013

Banff Part One

Hi everyone,

Finally out West! Left New York on 27th June, pretty long day as flew via Texas, arrived in Banff around 11pm and met up with Karl, my wonderful host for the next week or so. Got to know each other over a few beers and was already in love with this town. The next day...our first adventure...canoeing! Something I'd never done before but why not?! The river had only just reopened after the floods that affected not only Calgary, but surrounding towns like Banff. 

The scenery here is just breathtaking. The mountains, the trees, the rivers, incredible. It was just a shame that the water wasn't as clear as it usually is, due to the flooding. I also loved how quiet it was whilst we went up the river, a refreshing change from the craziness of the cities. 

Beginner....can you tell?!

The following day, another first for me; hiking up a mountain! Karl and his mate went easy on me and took me up the easiest one. I was trying my best to put on my "this is easy" face whilst inside just wanting to sit down for a while! Made it up and man was it worth it. 

Spectacular views over Banff and on the other side it over looked the Banff golf course, valleys and other resorts.

At the top of Tunnel Mountain looking onto Banff

The other side of the mountain looking onto the Bow River and the golf course

The following day, whilst Karl was working, I decided to go out and explore, so I packed myself some lunch and headed for the Cave and Basin, going along the marsh loop. It was another beautiful day, so quiet and tranquil with again, amazing scenery.

Mountain ranges whilst on the Marsh loop trail

I then arrived at the Cave and Basin; the start of Banff National Park. Two men discovered a cave featuring hot springs and shortly after, it became protected, thus becoming Canada's first National Park. The hot springs were opened to the public and became a very popular tourist attraction, it was closed about quite a few years ago...hygiene reasons! The current residents at the springs are a rare snails that only live in this area. So guess you probably wouldn't want to swim there even if you could!

After my picnic lunch I headed for the Bow River Trail which leads to the Bow Falls. Another beautiful walk, lucky that I didn't arrive any earlier as most of the trails have only just been open. Parts near the river bank were still closed off but most was open. It is amazing to see the falls and then the river just opens up and flows between some incredible mountains. Part of it splits off and becomes the Spray River. It really is a sight to see.

Looking down onto Bow Falls 

Bow Falls

The Bow River as it turns after the falls

Spray River

June 30th, it was time for a night out, as it was the day before Canada day! Was a really cool night out...Canadians sure can party! The downside about nightlife here is that legally alcohol cannot be served after back to the house to carry on the party! At around 3.30am, Karl and I had the crazy idea of hiking up Tunnel Mountain to see the sunrise! About half way up I was regretting agreeing to it, but when we got to the top...I'm so glad that we did it! Watching the sunrise over Banff was an amazing sight and was a brilliant way to start Canada Day! 

Red topped mountains at sunrise...stunning!

As we didn't get in til gone 6, slept in for quite a while. Treated myself to lunch and a cocktail during the Canada Day Parade. Met up with some friends in the evening to watch the Banff fireworks.

Of course we followed it up with another night on the town! A lovely end to a lovely day...