Sunday 2 June 2013

Last few days in Halifax

My time in Halifax is coming to an end...

The weather has been lovely since getting back from Cape Breton Island, sunny and warm, so decided to spend some time downtown. On Friday, I relaxed in the beautiful public gardens of Halifax. Lovely and peaceful, I was quite photo happy, so as they say "a picture is worth a thousand words".


Just a few of my pictures from the Halifax public gardens.

Saturday I headed down to Pier 21, the immigration port of Halifax and Canada on the East Coast. Pre, during and post World War II, Halifax received millions of immigrants wanting to start a new life in this relatively new country. This was also the port that Canadian troops left from when they came to help us in World War II, 1 in 10 soldiers that came back brought their "war brides" with them. Such a fascinating place, especially as my relatives here originally came over from England. Their parents arrived here in 1929 and set up a new life with only $25 in their pockets.

Display depicting the journey across the Atlantic

Centre of the museum showing what the waiting room may have been like

Recreation of a ship, now a movie theatre

Some of the ships that came across the Atlantic

All in all it was a lovely day out to say that I am not usually a museum go-er. Later that day I went to go and watch the Hangover Part 3...not so cultural, but fun all the same!! Spending today chilling out, having a BBQ and packing. 

Leaving here tomorrow morning and starting our road trip to Quebec. Heading through New Brunswick, stopping off in a few places, staying over somewhere then getting a ferry across the St Lawrence river then on to Quebec City! 

Has been amazing seeing family and friends again, but looking forward to continuing on with my adventure! A bientot! 

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