Sunday 9 June 2013

New Brunswick and Québec City

Hi everyone,

Last Monday it was time to set off for Québec City, so we packed up and set off. We drove through New Brunswick and made a couple of stops along the way. The first was at Magnectic Hill, an optical illusion that has become well known and attracts many tourists. Basically, you drive what appears to be downhill, put your car in neutral and it rolls up the hill. Strange. The next stop was reversing falls where the waves seem to go both ways. Again, strange. That was my experience of New Brunswick, I'm sure it has much more to offer, although we didn't get that much time to explore.

Reversing Falls

Monday night we stayed over in Rivière du Loup in Québec province and we decided to get the ferry across the St Lawrence River, lovely crossing and it was a beautiful day.

Ferry terminal at Rivière du Loup

Tuesday afternoon...arrivée au ville de Québec!! I grabbed a bite to eat (and a couple of happy hour specials as per!) and waited to meet up with Marie Joelle. For those don't know, she is a friend of mine that I met while I did my exchange in Bordeaux and we've kept in touch ever since (2009!). Was so nice to see her and also practice my French which is pretty rusty. 

The next day, she was up early with work and I headed out to explore Québec. Well, what an amazing place! Felt like I had stepped into France, so many beautiful buildings and old streets. Helped that it was a gorgeous day and was able to get amazing pictures of the place. 

One of the many beautiful gardens in Vieux Québec (the old part of the town)
Chateau Frontenac - now a hotel
Best part of my day...Lisa arrived!! Met her at the airport, so amazing to see her after so long and had sooo much to catch up on! The next day was gorgeous again so we got ourselves sorted and headed out, to the Old Town again. Was lovely just wandering around, chatting and enjoying the sun.

Looking down onto the town and the St Lawrence river

Marie Joelle arranged a guided tour around Vieux Québec in the evening with one of her friends who is a historian. Fasinating night learning about the history of the city and seeing parts of it that tourists wouldn't normally go. Stopped off for some famous poutine...although for me wasn't as great as no veggie version :( It really is like going to France!! So the tour that we thought would last about an hour, turned into 5, so we were pretty shattered by the time we got home!!

 Vieux Québec at night

 Outside the Parliament building

Until next time...

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