Friday 28 June 2013


Wednesday we finally got out to see the city! We went on a open top bus tour of the city in order to get our bearings, was so strange to be in a city and not actually see it as we'd be busy the two previous days. The tour was really interesting and a great way to get started. After the tour we went for an awesome lunch in Chinatown..excellent recommendation from the tour guide, at least he earned his tip! 

Dundas Square (Toronto's version of Time's Square)

We later just wandered round the town, taking in the sights and trying to get to know this city. The most notable thing was the amount of construction that was going on. Toronto is growing at an enormous rate with people from all over the world emigrating here. It is the most multicultural city in the world with 51% of it's population born overseas.

Parliament building (I think!)

The Royal Ontario Museum and the most controversial building in the city. It's a bit like Marmite, but I loved it.


Saw this guy as we were walking down the street. He really cracked us up, so we decided to go back and give him some money and get a photo with him. Honesty clearly is the best policy. He was telling us how so many people have their picture taken with him or people give him weed, crazy! Was really funny!
That evening we quickly ate then headed out to watch the Toronto Blue Jays (Baseball) at the Rogers Centre, next to the CN Tower. Over the course of the game we started to work out the rules and figured it was pretty much just like rounders! Picked up our tickets for only $11...bargain! Although the beer was the same price as the ticket, so it works out for them. 

Was a really cool atmosphere, although it is quite a long game, so we left just before it ended, Blue Jays had it in the bag anyway! Really embraced the tradition by getting a veggie dog outside! Hotdog carts are everywhere!

We got up early on our last day in Toronto and walked down to the water front where they were preparing for a Waterfront Festival celebrating the 200 year peace between Canada and the USA.
Tall ship in ready for the festival

Amazing blue skies over Lake Ontario

An example of all the construction work taking what a great sign!

I then (finally) met up with Carley (another friend I met in Bordeaux) for lunch, Lisa decided to stay back at the hostel to sort stuff out. Was so nice to see her and have a catch up. Trying to catch up on 3 years of living in an hour is not easy, but at least we managed to see each other!

Me and Carley

After lunch, Lisa and I went to have a look round some of the neighbourhoods that tourists don't tend to go and visit. Love getting more of a 'real' experience in a city and seeing other places rather than just the tourist spots. We walked through India town, Cabbagetown and ended in Little Greece! We seemed to be walking forever! 
Little Greece

For our last night in Toronto, we went up the CN Tower...the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere. Was even a little scary going up the the lift as it is glass looking out. We went at sunset so we could see both day and night..beautiful scenery.

Glass floor looking onto the aquarium, no there are no sharks waiting for us! Haha!

Gorgeous sunset

Enjoying a glass of cava in the rather expensive bar at the top of the CN Tower.

All in all, Toronto was lovely, disappointed I didn't manage to see Kiefer Sutherland even though he was in the city at the same time. Mind you asking to meet two celebs in one trip is a bit greedy, I guess Paul Walker will have to do! I would have preferred to have a little bit more time to see more of the city. For me it was quite busy and too much construction going on. 

Next American adventure...Boston and New York! 

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